ProgramSessions presentation and detailed programme
APRIL 25TH, 2019
9:00 - 9:30 – Opening Antoine PETIT, CNRS CEO
9:30-12:30 – Biological invasions: How can scientists respond to scientific denialism and social unawareness? Frédérique VIARD (CNRS), Franck COURCHAMP (CNRS) Despite their broad impacts, no driver of global change is less known by the public and by decision makers, and none is more subject to controversy among scientists, than biological invasions. . Recent syntheses have analysed the reasons behind the lack of awareness and understanding on the part of the public and behind the questioning (ranging even to denialism) of invasion science. This session aims to present and discuss these misperceptions and controversies. This discussion is timely in light of the next IPBES assessment, which will be dedicated to Invasive Alien Species.
14:00-17:00 - Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) within IPBES assessments and beyond: contributions to local and global well-being Yildiz AUMEERUDDY-THOMAS (CNRS), Margareta TENGBERG (MNHN) The aim of this session is to achieve a better understanding of how science can work with indigenous peoples and local communities to re-think and strengthen the ties between people and nature. The contribution that indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) can make to environmental management has been increasingly recognized since 1992. It has become clear that ILK has roles to play in responding to global crises, such as the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity, increasing inequality in access to health facilities and adequate nutrition, and emergence of new diseases. Indeed, ILK is no longer shared only by people locally, researchers working on this subject, or by local NGOs; international bodies and institutions increasingly address how mobilizing ILK can help us achieve an environmentally sustainable and socially just future. These include UNESCO, with the recognition of Cultural Heritage Sites and Intangible Heritage of Humanity ; scholarly societies such as the International Society of Ethnobiology, which has elaborated a code of ethics for those working on ILK, and the Convention on Biological Diversity, which integrates in particular aspects of ILK relating to equity and benefit-sharing. The International Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has developed a framework to guide its regional, thematic and global assessments, based on the concept of Nature’s Contributions to People (NCP). This framework recognizes the necessity to integrate a plurality of knowledge systems and world views: in addition to scientific knowledge, ILK is incorporated into the assessments to a certain level. Beyond IPBES, the scientific community needs a better understanding of the opportunities presented by ILK. The upsurge of interest in a body of knowledge that had been largely ignored until the 1970s has led to efforts to mobilize ILK in ways that respond to crucial local needs and advance sustainable environmental management. This session invites scientists to meet in order to advance this goal and analyse the constraints facing it. Speakers from different disciplines and backgrounds will highlight examples drawn from IPBES assessments and from researchers from other global institutions, or scientific institutions working with indigenous people and local communities. Furthermore, the session will plumb the historical depth of ILK, and examine the links between ILK and the historical construction of biocultural landscapes that are instrumental in shaping attachment of people to the land and nature.
APRIL 26TH, 2019 9:30-12:30 – Blue forests and green oceans -- comparing the emerging properties across biomes Jerome CHAVE (CNRS), Joachim CLAUDET (CNRS) Forests and oceans both are key systems for our planet's biodiversity. They are exposed to major biodiversity threats, are essential for the carbon cycle, and pose major challenges in biological conservation in relation to climate change. This session aims to explore the commonalities emerging from recent research on forests and oceans, based on large-scale observation and modelling. Of the emerging processes of importance, a focus will be placed on the impact of ecosystem changes on biodiversity and ecosystem services in both biomes. Oral contributions will explore the role of the top-down control biogeochemical processes by large vertebrates, the coupled impact of resource harvest and climatic change on the status of biodiversity, and emerging methods to monitor changes in ecological systems in near real time through remote sensing. We will discuss ways in which comparing the commonalities among distinct ecological systems can help generate robust conclusions.
14:00 - 16:30 – CESAB (CEntre for Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity) symposium: Future and prospects for large scale biodiversity analysis Claire SALOMON (FRB), Nicolas MOUQUET (CNRS) In a rapidly changing world, biodiversity research has moved from local-to continental-scale data collection and analysis and entered into the era of ‘big data’. With this transition has grown the need for scientific synthesis of complex information across multiple scales and disciplines. The CEnter for Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB-FRB) aims to foster the synthesis of existing data on biodiversity. Since 2010, more than 500 researchers have participated in working sessions with the aim of improving and enhancing our knowledge and understanding of our precious ecosystems and their biodiversity, and ensuring their effective management and conservation. This 3-hour symposium will illustrate the future and prospects for large scale biodiversity analysis that have been explored during CESAB sessions. A keynote speaker will introduce the symposium (40 min) and five speakers will present the results of their synthesis working groups (25 min each).
16:30 - 17:00 – Closing speech Stéphanie THIEBAULT, director of the Institute of Ecology et Environment - CNRS et Yann WEHRLING, French Ambassador for the environment. |