
APRIL 26TH, 2019

9:00 - 12:00 Workshop Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) within IPBES assessments and beyond: contribution to local and global well-being. Follow-up to plenary session (limited to 20 persons)

This workshop is meant to develop our understanding of ILK in environmental management, and refine ideas that have emerged during the plenary session. We shall also use the concept note by Fikret Berkes which will be circulated to  all workshop participant one week before the workshop, to enhance our reflections and to discuss some points which may not have been touched upon during the plenary.

A publication incorporating results from discussions and excahanges during the plenary and this workshop could be envisaged.

Note for discussion: Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) in Environment and Sustainable Development - Fikret Berkes, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba, Canada

For registration to this workshop, please contact :
Yildiz Aumeeruddy-Thomas and Margareta Tengberg 
at the following addresses :;

The deadline for registration is on the 12th of April 2019





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